Supporting organizational
and individual excellence
in a global environment

Coaching,  training,  consultation across cultures, platforms, and languages

Whether you operate internationally, sending staff abroad and steering multinational teams, or collaborate locally with national and international partners, you are likely to encounter intricate challenges. Converting these complexities into operational success and avenues for growth requires high adaptability, creative and strategic thinking, a certain set of soft skills and an attitude of learning. 

At our service, we foster a culture of continuous learning, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the world of global collaborations and international alliances. When situations require a shift towards change and development, we provide specialized and strategic assistance addressing the needs of individuals, teams and organizations.

CoachingExpats is the international assistance and coaching division of Johnson & Partner Consulting GmbH, based in Switzerland.

We offer individual and strategic assistance to internationally operating and hiring:

Our vital services provide building blocks for successful intercultural partnerships, program sustainability, and organizational wellbeing. The international sector is demanding and complex. We help you to remain competitive, relevant and resilient in a challenging, everchanging global environment.

Expertise in leadership and team development

All our experts are certified coaches, trainers, consultants, mediators, and change facilitators with a wealth of cross-sector international knowledge and experience. We support change management processes, intercultural team building and team development,  or problem-solving approaches to conflict resolution, leadership training and mentorship.

CoachingExpats offers competitive short- and long-term assistance packages. Contact us today to enquire

Strategy, Leadership, Intercultural Alliance. Resilience. What is your current focus?

Our fields of expertise:

Our services target professionals working in international and intercultural contexts

To build resilient talent

We are accessible no matter where in the world you are.

Confidently navigate international assignments

We provide strategic support and coaching

Taking on an international leadership position? Do you manage culturally diverse teams? Perhaps you oversee employees, projects, or cooperations in a fragile context? Are international assignments and global mobility your focus? We can help!

CoachingExpats offers you worldwide online access to confidential consultation and coaching services, workshops and trainings, to professional mediation and face-to-face support in our offices or yours upon request.

Want to know more? Book a free, initial consultation with our experts today.


We understand the complexity of international partnerships, team diversity and organizational management. We accompany you each step of the way to manage organizational change, restructuring and strategy redirection. Services can be purchased individually or bundled (ask about our competitive business packages!)

Customized services to support Development and success

Realizing ideas and goals in unfamiliar environments, entering intercultural collaborations, taking on responsibility in a foreign country – these create inspiring opportunities and challenges but may also leave you depleted. Proactively seeking out professional support early will save time, angst and money later on

As a private customer, you have multiple benefits from a service that is completely tailored to your needs. Whether it is checking in once, occasional, or regularly over time, having an expert resource to hear you, spar with you, guide you can make the difference between growth and burnout

We operate across Europe, Africa, Middle East, South America, Asia, and Oceania

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